Thank you to our partners. #
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated partners, whose unwavering support underpins the Valuing Children Initiative.
Special thanks to the McCusker Internship Program at the University of Western Australia. Thank you to our research partners and academics at Curtin University, Murdoch University and Edith Cowan University.
Our sponsors, pro bono partners and donors make our work possible, we thank the platinum sponsor Tony Fini Foundation, Inverse Group, Deloitte Perth, United Nations Association of WA, esafekids, DiGiiSocial, Commissioner for Children and Young People office, Families Australia, WACOSS and Centrecare for your ongoing support and positive action.
Your commitment to valuing children is deeply appreciated.
Platinum Sponsor #

"The Tony Fini Foundation is a proud supporter of the Valuing Children Initiative because children are our future, we need to take care of them and nourish their growth. We believe they need to be heard and really listened to, not to be ignored, as they see the world around us differently to adults."