Green Helmet

Our Pillars #

Our work at the Valuing Children Initiative is centred around four pillars Listening, Voice, Safety, Growth. When we think of valuing children, these pillars are essential to children and young people successfully feeling valued.


We value and listen to the perspectives and experiences of children and young people, recognising their unique insights.


We actively encourage the participation of children and young people in decision-making processes, empowering them to shape their own lives.


We believe in a collective responsibility to ensure all children are safe and protected in their environments.


We strive to provide children and young people with the necessary opportunities and support for their optimal growth and development.

Four Pillar book series.

The Four Pillar book series explores VCI values Listening, Voice, Safety, and Growth through stories featuring Australian animal characters. The books aim to spark discussions and promote early child literacy.

Learn More Four Pillar book series.
"When thinking of our future in any way we should always put children and young people at the centre of our decision making. Being an Ambassador for the Valuing Children Initiative provides a platform to promote this position and the rights of our future generations. In turn this will continue to improve our community we all want to live in."
– Colin Pettit Valuing Children Initiative Ambassador
"I have dedicated my working life to protecting and serving the community and I am proud to be an ambassador for the Valuing Children Initiative. I believe protecting children from harm is a shared responsibility and we all have a role to play in the care, safety and protection of children. We have a responsibility to provide every child with the opportunity to fulfil their hopes, dreams and aspirations.”
– Kayelene Kerr Child Safety Advocate and Founder of eSafeKids
"Being a VCI Ambassador provides me with the opportunity to support and promote initiatives that target issues impacting the wellbeing of young people. It is an absolute honour to be in a position to make a difference and have my voice heard!"
– Joshua Patrick - Valuing Children Ambassador
As an Ambassador of the Valuing Children Initiative, I have the privilege in advocating the importance of children's wellbeing in WA. Creating a safe environment for children to thrive is critical to building a sustainable future. When children's wellbeing is taken care of, they feel secure, when they feel safe, they can contribute creatively and innovatively to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
– Dr Sandy Chong Valuing Children Initiate Ambassador