Duck Hands

We Value Children #

We believe Valuing children is everybody’s business and all members of community have a responsibility to ensure children feel valued and have the opportunities to thrive. We are dedicated making the needs of children and young people a priority in Australia. Despite the abundance of knowledge and resources, we continue to witness poor outcomes for children and young people due to a lack of prioritisation.

The Valuing Children Initiative is dedicated to changing societal attitudes and making the needs of children and young people a priority. We do this, through our work around advocacy, research, education, campaigning and partnerships to raise awareness and effect meaningful change. We also collaborate with stakeholders, policymakers, and like-minded organisations and people to create a collective positive impact on child well-being.

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We collaborate with our community. #

Our work with the community is varied and exciting, it makes real positive impact and change to children's wellbeing. From partnerships to donations, that contribute to research and campaign budgets, to following our social media channels, this support helps us to promote and share information about how people can value children.

We are proud to align with our community to promote valuing children.

See how you can partner with and sponsor the Valuing Children Initiative

We do Community Partnerships

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We advocate for children and amplify their voices. #

We provide resources and tools for community to ask children and young people about their experiences of the world. We have developed a Child Voice which includes tools and a best practice guide on engaging with children and young people to amplify their voices.

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We create and provide evidence-based resources.

We address challenges, such as children's rights, online safety, child poverty, mental health and more; from a child's perspective and we work towards providing solutions to these challenges.

Children and young people are involved in all our research and work.

  • We include children as VCI Ambassadors.
  • We invite children to provide their perspectives.
  • We run inclusion events with and for children.
  • We listen to what children think and suggest for future development and best practice.

From here we provide evidence-based resources to that drives a positive change for all children.

We do Research and We Provide Resources

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We celebrate children's impact. #

Through our events and promotions, we create awareness on why and how we should value children.

By recognising the significant contributions children and young people make to our society, their boundless energy, optimism, and creativity inspire us and give us hope for a better future.

If you are holding an event and would like the Valuing Children Initiative to attend, contact us.

We do Events and Promotions

Duck Hands

We campaign. #

We work with stakeholders, the community sector and government to understand how we can change systems to create a better world for children and young people.

We do campaigns and advocacy.

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We have created positive changes for children. #

Below are only a few of our success stories. See more success stories by connecting with the VCI through

In consulting with children at St Benedicts in the creations of these books, children fed back that they have enjoyed and felt listened too and that their opinion was important. Buy the Four Pillar Book Series

The Valuing Children Initiative is calling on the Australian government to legislate an end to child poverty. Legislation will serve as a pivotal roadmap towards reducing child poverty.

Every day, between 760,000 – 1.2 million Australian children live in poverty. The impact poverty has on children can last a lifetime. It affects their health, mental health and wellbeing. Many children report missing out on essential items like food, clothes, housing and often friendships because they have to move so often. This is despite having parents who love them and trying to do their best. But in Australia, there is no national approach to ending child poverty. And we don’t know the true extent of children living in poverty, because we don’t measure it.

End Child Poverty Campaign

The Exploring Australian Adults’ Attitudes Towards Children for a Better Future 2023 survey also found 77 per cent of adults support the appointment of a Federal Children’s Minister.

The Valuing Children Initiative has long called for a dedicated Minister for Children with a dedicated children’s budget and a Child Wellbeing Statement. Only the Victorian Government has appointed a children’s minister and only just recently.

Pre Budget Submission

One mechanism to consider children is a Child and Youth Impact Assessment Tool which could be adopted by every cabinet, council meeting and board room across the country, where every decision and legislation considers the impact on children and young people, similar to an environmental impact assessment.

Child Impact Assessment Tool