Join Us! Let's End Child Poverty in Australia

June 06, 2024

Child poverty is an urgent issue affecting countless young lives across Australia. 

At the Valuing Children Initiative (VCI), we believe every child deserves the opportunity to thrive in a safe and supportive environment. That’s why we’ve launched the End Child Poverty Campaign, a concerted effort to address this crisis head-on and ensure a brighter future for all Australian children.

The Urgency of Ending Child Poverty

Poverty severely impacts children by causing hunger, limiting participation in sports and school activities, and disrupting their education and friendships due to frequent relocations. It seeps into every aspect of their lives, restricting their potential and opportunities

Our Campaign Goals

Our End Child Poverty Campaign aims to pool resources from our pledge partners, driven by our shared belief that no child should live in poverty in Australia. By collecting stories, commitments, research, and expertise, we are building a strategic action plan to address this pressing issue.

We have set an ambitious target: to gather 500 pledge partners by July 31, 2024. Spreading our message across every state and territory, we aim to build our influence and power to effect change.

How You Can Help

Individuals: Your voice matters. By signing the petition, you can join a growing movement calling on federal, state, and territory governments to legislate an end to child poverty. Each signature strengthens our collective voice and brings us closer to real change.

Organisations: We invite organisations to pledge their support. By becoming a pledge partner, you demonstrate your commitment to creating a fair and just society for all children.

Email your logo email hidden; JavaScript is required to be featured as a supporter.

Additionally, organisations can help spread the message by:

  • Including our campaign in newsletters
  • Sending emails to networks
  • Creating and sharing testimonial videos
  • Displaying our End Child Poverty posters in workplaces
  • Utilizing our Communications Kit for promotional materials

Dedicated Campaign Website

To provide comprehensive information and resources, we have a dedicated website for the End Child Poverty Campaign. Here, you’ll find detailed information about our Child Poverty in Australia, downloadable resources, and ways to get involved. Visit our campaign website to learn more and take action.

Why Your Support Matters

Without your support, we cannot achieve the change we envision. The petition sign-ups and organisational pledges are crucial for demonstrating widespread support and pressing the government to act. Your participation is vital in ensuring that every child in Australia has the chance to grow up free from poverty.


Sign the petition, pledge your organisation’s support, and help us spread the word. Together, we can end child poverty in Australia and create a brighter future for all children.

For any questions or additional support, contact us at email hidden; JavaScript is required or call Ph: 08 9325 6644.
