Kids Workshops

The Valuing Children Initiative offers specialised workshops on giving children a voice #

Underpinned by the National Principles on Child Safety and the United Nation Conventions on the Rights of the Child, we ask children their experiences about the world around them.

Your project can be around road safety, playground design, experiences in adult dominated spaces or social issues.

Current Projects #

The Valuing Children Initiative will work in collaboration with the Bassendean Town Team, thanks to funding from Streets Alive, to deliver two street parties and children’s engagement workshops. The workshops will capture children’s ideas on what will they think make the streets in their local neighbourhood safe for them to play on. These ideas will be given to adults, including local government, to help them create opportunities for children to play safely outside and in their own community.

Register for the Bassendean Kids Roads Safety Workshop

Streets Alive survey

Did you play on the streets when you were a child? Ride your bikes, hopscotch, basketball or a summer arvo of cricket? Do you want your kids to enjoy the same joy of play together like we did? Tell us about it! Seriously - tell us about it in this very short survey. Your local Town Team Hello Basso and the Valuing Children Initiative have teamed up to bring play back to our streets. Research shows that children are playing less on our streets because of a lack of obvious safety measures. Let us know how we can make our streets safer.

Take the Street Alive Survey

Street Party Kids Survey

My name is

I am 

We want you to help us plan a street party in your neighbourhood!