I signed the petition

August 14, 2024 in Articles, Campaigns, Events

The Power of Your Signature: Help Us End Child Poverty Now

Homelessness Week 2024 was an incredible success for us. Our event brought together passionate advocates, frontline workers, and individuals with lived experiences to address a critical yet often overlooked issue: children experiencing homelessness. The discussions were intense, and the stories shared were deeply moving, underscoring the urgent need for action.

But as impactful as this event was, it’s just the beginning. Our petition to legislate an end to child poverty in Australia, we’ve already gathered a significant number of signatures, we need many more to drive real change. Your signature can make a difference. It’s not just a name on paper; it’s a powerful statement demanding action from our leaders.

Child poverty is a national crisis that requires a national response. The statistics are alarming, and the stories are heartbreaking. Too many children in Australia are facing the devastating effects of homelessness and poverty, robbing them of a safe, secure, and happy childhood. This is unacceptable, and we have the power to change it.

Our petition is more than just a call to action; it’s a declaration that we won’t stand by while children suffer. By signing, you’re joining a movement committed to creating a future where no child has to face the hardships of poverty.

Nearly everyone at the event signed the petition to end child poverty! The energy was contagious, and it was clear that people are ready to make a difference. Let's keep that momentum going—we still need more signatures to push for real change!

We’re urging everyone who cares about the future of our children, and everyone who believes in justice to sign the petition. Together, we can turn the insights, challenges, and hopes shared at our event into real, tangible change.

Don’t let this moment pass. Add your voice to the growing call for action. Let’s make sure our government hears us loud and clear: it’s time to end child poverty in Australia.

Join the fight. Sign the petition today: www.endchildpoverty.com.au

Let’s turn the momentum from Homelessness Week 2024 into lasting change. Every signature count, and together, we can legislate an end to child poverty.
