WACOSS Make WA Fair Election Campaign

September 05, 2024 in Campaigns, Surveys and Petitions

Make WA Fair: Building a Brighter, Fairer Future for All Ahead of the 2025 State Election #

The Make WA Fair campaign launched by WACOSS ahead of the 2025 State Election. As Western Australia faces rising costs and low wage growth, many families are struggling to meet basic needs like securing affordable housing, regular nutritious meals, and planning for the future.

"Prolonged higher cost of living affects every aspect of our daily lives, from the food we put on our tables to the energy we used to cool or warm our homes. Alarmingly, the number of people needing help to get by continues to grow, and the most vulnerable among us are often the hardest hit. Persistently elevated demand is overwhelming a community services sector which is already stretched beyond its limits.

We have a vision for a Western Australia where helping its people and communities is above politics, where people get the help they truly need, where everyone has access to a safe, secure and healthy home, where children are given the best start to life, where people can access services when and where they need them, and where no one is left behind."

The campaign calls for bold reforms in three key areas:

  • Housing Security: Abolishing no-reason evictions and implementing rent stabilisation measures to provide tenants with secure, affordable housing.
  • Early Years Education: Expanding universal access to early childhood education and improving family support services through integrated Child and Family Hubs.
  • Equitable Financial Assistance: Addressing the historical underfunding of vital community services to ensure those most in need can access the support they deserve.

You can learn more about the key reforms and download WACOSS' full Campaign Asks here.
