More for Children: Children’s Experiences of Poverty in Australia.

September 04, 2024 in Articles, Campaigns, Resources

National Child Protection Week: A Call to Action for Every Child #

This National Child Protection Week, the Valuing Children Initiative (VCI) is standing strong behind the theme “Every child in every community needs a fair go.” In a country as wealthy as Australia, it’s unacceptable that one in six children is growing up in poverty. This must change.

Our End Child Poverty Campaign is dedicated to ensuring every child has a fair go. We’re calling on the government to legislate an end to child poverty and make it a national priority.

Professor Sharon Bessell and Cadhla O’Sullivan, key supporters of our campaign, have recently released the report More for Children: Children’s Experiences of Poverty in Australia. This report provides vital insights into the realities faced by children living in poverty in Australia. 

In this research, children's voices are heard as they share their stories and experiences of living in poverty, giving us valuable insight into their perspectives.

It’s research like this that makes the case for urgent action and underscores why the report is crucial to the End Child Poverty Campaign.

Children Policy Centre is behind this research.

What Children Tell Us About Poverty

In the More for Children: Children’s Experiences of Poverty in Australia report, children's voices reveal the deep and multidimensional impact of poverty on their lives, unlocking the following key insights:

Three Dimensions of Child Poverty: The MOR Framework

  • Material Dimension
  • Opportunity Dimension
  • Relational Dimension

Key Findings from the Research

  • Children’s Voices on Material Basics
  • Children’s Voices on Opportunities
  • Children’s Voices on Relationships
  • Children’s Hopes and Fears

Policy Implications and Recommendations

  • Addressing Material Deprivation
  • Enhancing Opportunities for Children
  • Strengthening Relationships and Social Support

There is so much to unpack in this brilliant report, which offers a deep understanding of poverty from a child's point of view.

Recently, Professor Sharon Bessell presented these findings at the CSSA webinar, which you can watch on our channel HERE

Read the Report CSSA Webinar: Featuring Professor Sharon Bessell End Child Poverty Campaign
More Image Cover page of the MOR report

Professor Sharon Bessell is a leading scholar in social policy for children, currently spearheading the 'More for Children' research program at the Australian National University. In this CSSA Webinar Series 2024, Professor Bessell shares her insights on ending child poverty and creating child-inclusive societies. Watch as she discusses the importance of addressing multidimensional poverty and the need for policies that truly support every child's well-being.


Child poverty in Australia is a pressing issue, with one in six children growing up in poverty despite the country's wealth. This situation denies many children access to basic needs, education, and opportunities for a better future. The End Child Poverty Campaign, led by the Valuing Children Initiative, aims to raise awareness, advocate for policy changes, and mobilize public support to eliminate child poverty in Australia. By amplifying the voices of affected children and communities, the campaign strives to ensure that every child has the chance to thrive and lead a fulfilling life.

