eSafety Resources for National Child Protection Week: Protecting Your Child in the Online World

September 04, 2024 in Articles, Resources, Surveys and Petitions

 eSafety Resources for National Child Protection Week: Protecting Your Child in the Online World #

Feeling overwhelmed by the online world your child is growing up in? You’re not alone. Whether your child is starting to explore the internet or is already a tech-savvy teen, it’s natural to worry about who they’re connecting with online and whether they’re safe. Just like you wouldn’t let your child dive into a pool without first teaching them how to swim, it’s important to teach them about online safety before they’re in too deep.

eSafety are highlighting new resources specifically designed to help address the growing concern of child sexual abuse online.

Here’s some steps you can take to protect your child:

Understand the risks – Start by getting informed. Learn about the potential dangers and how to talk to your child about them in a way that’s age-appropriate. #

Download eSafety resources– This topic can be difficult to navigate eSafety tools guide you through key actions, like discussing who your child connects with online and staying aware of how they use their devices. You’ll find practical tips, videos and conversation starters to make these conversations easier. #

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