Protection for All Children Online

September 04, 2024 in Resources, Surveys and Petitions

National Child Protection Week – A Community United for Safer Online Spaces #

National Child Protection Week serves as a crucial reminder of our collective responsibility to protect children in every aspect of their lives, especially online. 

A significant resource highlighted during the week is the Australian Government’s documentary The Shadows of the Web. This powerful documentary exposes the hidden dangers children can face online, bringing to light the urgent need for vigilance and protective measures. Please note that viewer discretion is strongly advised.

International Justice Mission's Call to Strengthen the Online Safety Act #

In line with the efforts to enhance online safety, the International Justice Mission (IJM) has made a compelling submission during the Statutory Review of the Online Safety Act 2021. While acknowledging that the current Act is a step in the right direction, IJM argues that it could be even stronger READ THE SUBMISSION HERE

To help bring about these vital changes, IJM encourages everyone to contact their Federal Member of Parliament. By contacting your MP, you can help them recognise this issue is important to their voters and motivate them to strengthen the Online Safety Act to protect children from OSEC.

Email your local MP HERE

Call your local MP HERE

VCI Ambassador Kayelene Kerr is the founder of eSafeKids and one of Western Australia’s leading experts in Cyber Safety, Digital Wellness, and Pornography education. With over 24 years of experience, including as a former Detective with the West Australian Police, Kayelene is dedicated to preventing child abuse and sexual exploitation. She offers engaging workshops that equip children, parents, and educators with the tools to navigate the digital world safely. 

Visit her website, eSafeKids, to learn more about her work and access valuable resources.

The eSafety Commissioner has released new resources focused on protecting children online, covering critical topics like online child sexual abuse, how to identify risks, and practical steps for parents to keep their children safe in the digital world. These resources also call on social media platforms to take greater responsibility in safeguarding young users. You can find more details in a separate article HERE

National Child Protection Week reminds us that keeping our children safe online is a community effort. By staying informed, proactive, and engaged, we can help create a safer digital world for all children.

National Child Protection Week Resources eSafety Commisioner Keeping children safe online resources Read the eSafety resources article