Valuing Children Initiative Launches Campaign to Legislate an End to Child Poverty in Australia

April 15, 2024

Our children can no longer wait! #

In Australia, 761,000 children live below the poverty line. Kids growing up in poverty often go to bed or school hungry. They can feel left out if they can’t join a local sport team or go on school camps. They may be living in an overcrowded home where there’s no quiet place to do homework and they worry about their parents. Research shows that child poverty isn’t just about not having enough to eat and a secure home. A lack of money limits children and young people’s lives and learning and seeps into other aspects of their life. Children at the forefront of the housing crisis are often frequently moving due to high rents, which disrupts school and friendships.

The Valuing Children initiative is taking action calling on all Governments, state and federal, to legislate an end to child poverty. This is an opportunity to impact children’s lives positively and you can contribute to an Australia where every child is provided with the support needed to thrive and shape a better tomorrow.

You cannot end child poverty without addressing ‘non-material’ poverty for children.

And you can’t end all poverty, without addressing child poverty. 

If you agree, JOIN US TODAY by signing the petition.

We're excited to announce the launch of our website dedicated to ending child poverty in Australia. #

On, you can find everything you need to get involved: sign our petition, make a pledge of support, access helpful resources, read the pledge letter, and get the facts about child poverty in Australia.

Below are FAQ about the End Child Poverty Campaign

Join us in taking action to make a real difference in the lives of Australian children.

Child poverty is a serious issue. It affects kids’ education, health, and future opportunities. We believe every child deserves a fair chance to thrive, no matter their background or circumstances.


The existence of child poverty in Australia is undeniable with one in six children living

below the poverty line. In real numbers, that’s 761,000 Australian children living in poverty.

The negative impact of poverty on a child’s development and life outcomes is significant, well documented and can last a lifetime. Poverty effects a child’s health, mental health and wellbeing.

A child who lives in poverty is 3.3 times as likely to live in poverty as an adult.

We must do better.

Sign the Petition: If you believe every child deserves a good start in life, sign our petition on the website. Your signature shows policymakers that we’re serious about making a change.

Organisations: Pledge your support! Join other organisations who have joined the campaign.

Individuals sign the petition, found on the End Child Poverty Website. Here is the link to the petition.

Organisations make a pledge by filling out the form on the End Child Poverty Website. Here is the link to the pledge form.

Once you have filled out your form send your logo to email hidden; JavaScript is required

Spread the Word

Share this campaign by downloading the communications kit with your friends, family, and on social media.

#LegislatetoEndChildPoverty, #ValuingChildrenInitiative, and #Nochildinpoverty

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We invite you to join us as we begin the journey of Ending Child Poverty in Australia Kids growing up in poverty too often go to bed or school hungry, they can feel left out if they can’t join a local sport team or go on school camps, they may be living in an overcrowded home where there’s no quiet place to do homework and they worry about their parents. Multiple studies have found that poverty isn’t just about not having enough to eat and a secure home. A lack of money limits children and young people’s lives and learning and seeps into other aspects of their life. Children at the forefront of the housing crisis are often frequently moving due to high rents, which disrupts school and friendships.

The opportunity: It’s time to put children at the centre of ending poverty.

We are calling on the Federal Government to:

·Legislate an end to child poverty

·Include children as a priority in the Measuring What Matters national wellbeing framework

For more details about the End Child Poverty campaign, including its goals, strategies, and the latest updates, visit

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