Youth Strategy Submission 2024

April 10, 2024 in Youth Spotlights

In our view at the Valuing Children Initiative, you cannot have a Youth Strategy without a Children’s Strategy. 

A young person’s life doesn’t start at 10, we need to see the whole child through a whole child strategy. We know that the self-esteem of a child declines as they grow into their teenage years, and the numbers are worse for females than males. So how we ensure safety, wellbeing and confidence can depend on their childhood years. Early intervention for a child’s overall development, health and wellbeing can change a child’s developmental trajectory , reducing the risk of further psychosocial and health issues and their associated economic and social consequences. Reimagining a new system that assesses the impact of children, will change our system for everyone.

Read our submission into the WA State Government’s Youth Action Plan. 

We have recommended:

1. Adopt legislation to End Child Poverty in Western Australia

2. Legislate the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations in WA and expand the WA Government’s Commitment to Child Safety and Wellbeing to every government department.

3. Legislation for online safety: For the Western Australian government to urge the Australian Government to re-evaluate its decision to implement an age verification system for online safety and at a minimum trial a pilot program. (Tag Kayelene Kerr in this one)

4. Develop and fund a state-wide child and youth advisory process in every government department.

5. Adopt a Child and Youth Impact Assessment Tool in all decision-making areas of government.

6. Appoint a Minister for all Children with a dedicated Children’s Budget – 0-17 years old. 7. Investigate through a Parliamentary Inquiry the availability of therapeutic service for children who experience family and domestic violence.
