Close Unit 18 Rally

September 24, 2024 in Campaigns, Surveys and Petitions

VCI joined hundreds of Western Australians on the steps of State Parliament calling on the State government to close Unit 18.  #

The rally, organised by Boorloo Justice, featured powerful calls to action by a number a dozen, including Dr Hannah McGlade (legal academic), Cheryl Kickett-Tucker (Koya), Professor Fiona Stanley (The Kids Research Institute), Sophie Stewart (Social Reinvestment WA) and Jim Morrison (Noongar Elder). 

We stood together outside Parliament House to demand justice for the young lives lost in WA’s youth prisons—Unit 18 and Banksia Hill. Calling for an end to the damaging cycle of youth incarceration and for community-led alternatives to be put in place immediately.

The heartbreaking deaths of two children in just 10 months are a tragic reminder that locking kids away in these harsh conditions is not a solution. We made it clear: Unit 18 must close, and support, not punishment, should be the future for our children.

Sign the petition to call for Unit 18 to be closed immediately and for community-led alternatives to locking up kids. 
