Universal Access to quality Childhood Education

May 28, 2024 in Campaigns

Support the Equity Project Petition #

Quality, play-based education sets children up for life, but access remains limited. Access to quality childcare enables parents to work or study, offering hope and opportunities for the entire family. That's why the Equity Project is asking the State government to ensure no upfront costs for the lowest-income households to access high-quality, play-based early childhood care.

Here’s the quick facts:

  • Quality Childhood education improves all aspects of child development and gets them ready for school and future success.
  • It helps to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty and entrenched disadvantage. 

The Equity Project is calling for:

  • Improved access and participation of Maternal and Child Health Checks in the first two years of life through improved outreach and flexible delivery of services.
  • WA Government supports universal access to high quality play-based kindergarten for all 3-year-olds and a staged transition of 4-year-old kindergarten up to 30 hours per week.
  • WA Government to establish Child Parent Hubs, improving the delivery of integrated and responsive child and family health, education and social care in all WA communities. This would build on and consolidate the existing support provided by the current Child Parent Centres system.

    For further information and to sign the petition head to the Childhood Education - The Equity Project
Health Checks
Quality, play-based education sets kids up for life. But there is a lack of access.