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Are you ready to take action? To End Child Poverty in Australia?

Last week, you received an email from us about the launch of the End Child Poverty campaign. HERE ARE THE NEXT STEPS April 15th is the day! We need your help to spread the End Child Poverty Campaign far and wide. Download our how-to guide to learn how you can share the End Child Poverty Campaign with your network, friends and family. Our aim is to have everyone share the same content on April 15th, making a united effort to end child poverty in Australia.


The extent and nature of poverty in Australia

The Senate's report on poverty in Australia highlights Valuing Children Initiative significant contribution, referencing Adj/Prof. Tony Pietropiccolo AM's poignant remarks.

The Power of Imagination: Valuing Children's Connections to Media Icons

Opinion from one of our Ambassadors, Associate Professor Madeline Dobson to consider for your next publication. The topic is valuing children and their connection to media, particularly stars like Taylor Swift. Jarvis is an eight year old boy, obsessed with Star Wars. He has blond hair, a green light saber and he can ‘use the force’. Through his video games and hours spent watching the Star Wars movies, Jarvis in himself, believes in some real way that he is Luke Skywalker. He sees a figure fighting the evils of the dark side for the good of the Universe. This helps him make sense of the world and has become a measure for understanding ‘good guys’ and ‘bad guys’ in the real world. Children’s interactions with culture and media deserve to be taken seriously. Often, children and young people find that their passions are dismissed and devalued by adults, whether it is a TV show, a film franchise, a band - children’s interests are often infantilised, sidelined, and treated as a meaningless ‘past-time’.

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