
Call for Australia to commit to poverty line

Call for Australia to commit to poverty line Presented by Keane Bourke

Calls for Australia to introduce poverty line to assess cost-of-living crisis

Calls for Australia to implement poverty line to measure the number of people struggling to make ends meet By WA state political reporter Keane Bourke In short: Unlike other countries, Australia doesn't set and measure a poverty line. It leaves services, and the government, unclear about the exact scale of poverty and its effects on children. What's next? Advocates want the government to follow in New Zealand's footsteps by introducing a Child Poverty Reduction Act.

New Report : Australians Call for Action Against Child Poverty

The End Child Poverty campaign has teamed up with the Australia Institute to release new data showing Australians want the Federal government to ensure no child lives in poverty. It finds the majority of Australians want an end to child poverty and want the government to introduce a definition and measure that would reduce the child poverty rate in Australia. The Valuing Children Initiative has launched the End Child Poverty campaign, calling on the Albanese government to legislate an end child poverty – similar to New Zealand and Scotland. ABC journo Keane Bourke has been working with us on a TV and online package, which went live last Friday 28th June. Young person Josh Patrick will speak of his experiences as a young carer and poverty. Key Findings of the report: Four in five Australians (83%) want the Federal Government to regularly measure and report on poverty rates in Australia. An overwhelming majority of Australians (81%) agree that income support payments should be set at a rate that does not cause any child to live in poverty. Australians are highly concerned that Australia has a high child poverty rate compared to other developed countries (69%), and about the effects of this on health and lifespan (83%) as well as education and employment (85%). One in six Australian children (about 761,000 children) live in poverty according to research from ACOSS and UNSW. The OECD finds that Australia’s youth poverty rate is the 13th-highest among member nations, surpassing the UK, Germany and Canada.


New Report : Australians Call for Action Against Child Poverty

The End Child Poverty campaign has teamed up with the Australia Institute to release new data showing Australians want the Federal government to ensure no child lives in poverty. It finds the majority of Australians want an end to child poverty and want the government to introduce a definition and measure that would reduce the child poverty rate in Australia. The Valuing Children Initiative has launched the End Child Poverty campaign, calling on the Albanese government to legislate an end child poverty – similar to New Zealand and Scotland. ABC journo Keane Bourke has been working with us on a TV and online package, which went live last Friday 28th June. Young person Josh Patrick will speak of his experiences as a young carer and poverty. Key Findings of the report: Four in five Australians (83%) want the Federal Government to regularly measure and report on poverty rates in Australia. An overwhelming majority of Australians (81%) agree that income support payments should be set at a rate that does not cause any child to live in poverty. Australians are highly concerned that Australia has a high child poverty rate compared to other developed countries (69%), and about the effects of this on health and lifespan (83%) as well as education and employment (85%). One in six Australian children (about 761,000 children) live in poverty according to research from ACOSS and UNSW. The OECD finds that Australia’s youth poverty rate is the 13th-highest among member nations, surpassing the UK, Germany and Canada.

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Free internet for school children

Free internet for school children. Australian Government School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI) providing free home internet for unconnected families with school age students.

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